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ELEONORE ET SHOSHANNA, MEMBRES DU MOIS ! Bonne lecture et have fun <3

L'intrigue est lancée alors on met ses plus beaux atouts en valeur et on file au Bradburys
Envie de vous tenir au courant de ce qui se passe sous le soleil de Jeffreys Bay ? Le journal, c'est par
Merci de penser aux saturday night (clients permanents ou temporaires), métiers de l'hôtellerie & autres. <3
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(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Empty(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Empty(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Empty(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Empty(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Empty(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Empty(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Empty(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Empty(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Empty(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Empty(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Empty(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Empty(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Empty(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Empty(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Empty(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Empty(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Empty(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Empty(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Empty(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Empty(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Empty(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Empty(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Empty(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Empty(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Empty(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Empty

 (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him.

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Royce Keller
Royce Keller
Membre this is africa

❖ AGE : 25 ans
❖ ORIGINES : hongroise & sud-africaine
❖ JOB : sans emploi
❖ STATUT : célibâtard

❖ MESSAGES : 322
❖ À J-BAY DEPUIS : 01/11/2013
❖ CRÉDITS : © yourdesigndiary
❖ DC : rafaele, joaquín
❖ TOPICS : get in line babe 8)
❖ POINTS : 20

(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Tumblr_mugnkpcdnL1qfgg1ao2_250
MessageSujet: (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him.   (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. EmptySam 2 Nov - 10:00

Royce Keller
25 ans • sans emploi pour le moment • tumblr

NOM ET PRÉNOMS ✖ Keller, Royce ; DATE DE NAISSANCE ✖ 19 avril 1988 ; LIEU DE NAISSANCE ✖ Budapest, Hongrie ; ORIENTATION SEXUELLE ✖ tout ce qu'il y a de plus hétéro ; SITUATION PERSONNELLE ✖ chaotique ; il sabote toutes ses relations, ne semblant pas avoir le moindre respect pour les femmes. GROUPE ✖ résidents permanents ; CÉLÉBRITÉ ✖ Colton Haynes .

Accoudé à la rambarde, une bouteille à la main, il regarde l’eau couler, paisible, sous le pont en bois. Derrière lui, au loin, résonne le carillon des cloches de l’église ; en passant devant quelques moments plus tôt, il y a vu un grand rassemblement, toutes les personnes présentes avaient ce sourire accroché aux lèvres, débordants de bonne humeur et de bons sentiments. Parfaitement écœurant. Première semaine de liberté, après ces deux années perdues, il erre déjà… peut-être que de nouveau serait plus approprié, pour un chat de gouttière comme lui,  n’ayant que ses seules ressources pour assurer sa survie. Un laissé pour compte, c’est ce qu’il est : un rejet de la nature, le fardeau d’une société qui a toujours de plus gros problèmes à régler que le sort d’un adolescent de 14 ans à qui on a fait comprendre que d’autres ont plus besoin que lui du lit qu’il occupe à l’orphelinat.

Quelques part dans J-Bay, il y a douze ans…
Il arpente les rues, s’y faufile, apparaît à un endroit, disparait aussitôt. Ça peut être l’étal d’un marché, ou bien la vitrine d’une charcuterie. Inaperçu, il se sert de cette faculté à double-tranchant pour commettre ses petits larcins. Et puis un jour, il est pris sur le fait, le propriétaire de l’épicerie le surprend mais au lieu d’avertir les autorités, lui propose de travailler pour lui pour rembourser le prix de ce qu’il a dérobé. Marché honnête en soi, un geste que Laszlo n’a jamais pu s’expliquer. Les premiers jours se passent plutôt bien, les premières semaines passent, si bien que l’homme à la chevelure grisonnante se prend d’amitié pour son nouvel employé. Il le prend sous son aile, lui donne le complément d’instruction dont il aura besoin pour se débrouiller dans la vie, survivre.

Le train se met en marche tranquillement, puis peu à peu, prend de la vitesse. Les paysages défilent, rien ne demeure plus d’une poignée de secondes dans son champ de vision, un peu comme les images de cette vie, le temps qui passe sans rien pour s’y accrocher. Il retourne à J-Bay, sans vraiment savoir pourquoi, dans cette ville qui l’a vu grandir, faire fausse route : il n’y a aucune attache depuis que ses parents sont morts, il pourrait être à des milliers de kilomètres de là s’il le voulait, s’il avait fait ne serait-ce qu’un pas, mais il ne l’a pas fait, et il ne semble pas déterminé à le faire. Il pourrait aller en Europe, il doit sûrement y avoir un reste de famille, du côté maternel, mais il ne se sent pas lié à ce pays un peu fantasque et irrémédiablement mélancolique qui l’a vu naître. Il ne se sent pas hongrois, pas réellement sud-africain non plus en fait. Le chemin de la gare à cette boutique, il le fait les yeux fermés, les rues ont longtemps été son royaume, il en a gardé une parfaite maîtrise. A l’angle de deux d’entre elles, sa vie un pris un tournant fondateur, quelques croisement plus loin, ironiquement, c’était de nouveau le chaos. Cette boutique, où il a vécu quelques années avec ce vieux bonhomme, quelqu’un d’autre l’a reprise, tout a changé, en l’espace de deux ans, il n’y a plus de traces de ce qu’avait été cette épicerie de quartier. Il n’entre pas, figé devant la vitrine de ce magasin, une librairie/papeterie. Il n’a plus rien à faire ici, alors il tourne les talons, sans un regard en arrière, et suit ses pas, comme il l’a toujours fait. Retour à la case départ.

For there is none of you so mean and base
That hath not noble lustre in your eyes.
I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips,
Straining upon the start. The game's afoot !
Follow your spirit; and upon this charge
Cry 'God for Harry ! England and Saint George !'

Dernière édition par Royce Keller le Dim 5 Jan - 1:16, édité 8 fois
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MessageSujet: Re: (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him.   (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. EmptySam 2 Nov - 14:11

Catelyn va lui faire pleins de bébés xd
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Royce Keller
Royce Keller
Membre this is africa

❖ AGE : 25 ans
❖ ORIGINES : hongroise & sud-africaine
❖ JOB : sans emploi
❖ STATUT : célibâtard

❖ MESSAGES : 322
❖ À J-BAY DEPUIS : 01/11/2013
❖ CRÉDITS : © yourdesigndiary
❖ DC : rafaele, joaquín
❖ TOPICS : get in line babe 8)
❖ POINTS : 20

(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Tumblr_mugnkpcdnL1qfgg1ao2_250
MessageSujet: Re: (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him.   (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. EmptySam 2 Nov - 14:47

euh. j'veux pas d'descendance moi Suspect 
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Amy Richards
Amy Richards
Admin À votre service

❖ AGE : 22 Ans
❖ ORIGINES : sud africaine
❖ JOB : serveuse
❖ STATUT : plus ou moins en couple

❖ MESSAGES : 589
❖ À J-BAY DEPUIS : 27/10/2013
❖ CRÉDITS : yourdesigndiary & tumblr
❖ DC : Lena & Joe & gabriel & josh & taliah
❖ TOPICS : 0 intrigue.
❖ POINTS : 38

(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Tumblr_mscveq03lD1qea2mvo3_250
MessageSujet: Re: (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him.   (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. EmptySam 2 Nov - 15:22

On t'a pas demandé ton avis espèce d'abruti !
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Royce Keller
Royce Keller
Membre this is africa

❖ AGE : 25 ans
❖ ORIGINES : hongroise & sud-africaine
❖ JOB : sans emploi
❖ STATUT : célibâtard

❖ MESSAGES : 322
❖ À J-BAY DEPUIS : 01/11/2013
❖ CRÉDITS : © yourdesigndiary
❖ DC : rafaele, joaquín
❖ TOPICS : get in line babe 8)
❖ POINTS : 20

(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Tumblr_mugnkpcdnL1qfgg1ao2_250
MessageSujet: Re: (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him.   (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. EmptySam 2 Nov - 15:25

Oh ben c'est très simple love : tu te démerdes en cas d'imprévu.
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Amy Richards
Amy Richards
Admin À votre service

❖ AGE : 22 Ans
❖ ORIGINES : sud africaine
❖ JOB : serveuse
❖ STATUT : plus ou moins en couple

❖ MESSAGES : 589
❖ À J-BAY DEPUIS : 27/10/2013
❖ CRÉDITS : yourdesigndiary & tumblr
❖ DC : Lena & Joe & gabriel & josh & taliah
❖ TOPICS : 0 intrigue.
❖ POINTS : 38

(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Tumblr_mscveq03lD1qea2mvo3_250
MessageSujet: Re: (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him.   (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. EmptySam 2 Nov - 15:36

Comme si j'allais compter sur toi...xD
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Royce Keller
Royce Keller
Membre this is africa

❖ AGE : 25 ans
❖ ORIGINES : hongroise & sud-africaine
❖ JOB : sans emploi
❖ STATUT : célibâtard

❖ MESSAGES : 322
❖ À J-BAY DEPUIS : 01/11/2013
❖ CRÉDITS : © yourdesigndiary
❖ DC : rafaele, joaquín
❖ TOPICS : get in line babe 8)
❖ POINTS : 20

(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Tumblr_mugnkpcdnL1qfgg1ao2_250
MessageSujet: Re: (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him.   (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. EmptySam 2 Nov - 15:38

Tu me rassures. (drunk) 
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Amy Richards
Amy Richards
Admin À votre service

❖ AGE : 22 Ans
❖ ORIGINES : sud africaine
❖ JOB : serveuse
❖ STATUT : plus ou moins en couple

❖ MESSAGES : 589
❖ À J-BAY DEPUIS : 27/10/2013
❖ CRÉDITS : yourdesigndiary & tumblr
❖ DC : Lena & Joe & gabriel & josh & taliah
❖ TOPICS : 0 intrigue.
❖ POINTS : 38

(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Tumblr_mscveq03lD1qea2mvo3_250
MessageSujet: Re: (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him.   (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. EmptySam 2 Nov - 15:39

Tu me fileras le fric par contre xD
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Royce Keller
Royce Keller
Membre this is africa

❖ AGE : 25 ans
❖ ORIGINES : hongroise & sud-africaine
❖ JOB : sans emploi
❖ STATUT : célibâtard

❖ MESSAGES : 322
❖ À J-BAY DEPUIS : 01/11/2013
❖ CRÉDITS : © yourdesigndiary
❖ DC : rafaele, joaquín
❖ TOPICS : get in line babe 8)
❖ POINTS : 20

(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Tumblr_mugnkpcdnL1qfgg1ao2_250
MessageSujet: Re: (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him.   (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. EmptySam 2 Nov - 15:44

quel fric ... Suspect 
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Amy Richards
Amy Richards
Admin À votre service

❖ AGE : 22 Ans
❖ ORIGINES : sud africaine
❖ JOB : serveuse
❖ STATUT : plus ou moins en couple

❖ MESSAGES : 589
❖ À J-BAY DEPUIS : 27/10/2013
❖ CRÉDITS : yourdesigndiary & tumblr
❖ DC : Lena & Joe & gabriel & josh & taliah
❖ TOPICS : 0 intrigue.
❖ POINTS : 38

(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Tumblr_mscveq03lD1qea2mvo3_250
MessageSujet: Re: (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him.   (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. EmptySam 2 Nov - 15:45

Tu crois t'en sortir sans pension ? XD
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Royce Keller
Royce Keller
Membre this is africa

❖ AGE : 25 ans
❖ ORIGINES : hongroise & sud-africaine
❖ JOB : sans emploi
❖ STATUT : célibâtard

❖ MESSAGES : 322
❖ À J-BAY DEPUIS : 01/11/2013
❖ CRÉDITS : © yourdesigndiary
❖ DC : rafaele, joaquín
❖ TOPICS : get in line babe 8)
❖ POINTS : 20

(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Tumblr_mugnkpcdnL1qfgg1ao2_250
MessageSujet: Re: (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him.   (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. EmptySam 2 Nov - 15:48

Tu peux t'brosser... j'ai pas d'fric.
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Amy Richards
Amy Richards
Admin À votre service

❖ AGE : 22 Ans
❖ ORIGINES : sud africaine
❖ JOB : serveuse
❖ STATUT : plus ou moins en couple

❖ MESSAGES : 589
❖ À J-BAY DEPUIS : 27/10/2013
❖ CRÉDITS : yourdesigndiary & tumblr
❖ DC : Lena & Joe & gabriel & josh & taliah
❖ TOPICS : 0 intrigue.
❖ POINTS : 38

(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Tumblr_mscveq03lD1qea2mvo3_250
MessageSujet: Re: (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him.   (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. EmptySam 2 Nov - 15:51

Tu te démerdes XD
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Royce Keller
Royce Keller
Membre this is africa

❖ AGE : 25 ans
❖ ORIGINES : hongroise & sud-africaine
❖ JOB : sans emploi
❖ STATUT : célibâtard

❖ MESSAGES : 322
❖ À J-BAY DEPUIS : 01/11/2013
❖ CRÉDITS : © yourdesigndiary
❖ DC : rafaele, joaquín
❖ TOPICS : get in line babe 8)
❖ POINTS : 20

(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Tumblr_mugnkpcdnL1qfgg1ao2_250
MessageSujet: Re: (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him.   (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. EmptySam 2 Nov - 15:52

Tu rêves...
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Amy Richards
Amy Richards
Admin À votre service

❖ AGE : 22 Ans
❖ ORIGINES : sud africaine
❖ JOB : serveuse
❖ STATUT : plus ou moins en couple

❖ MESSAGES : 589
❖ À J-BAY DEPUIS : 27/10/2013
❖ CRÉDITS : yourdesigndiary & tumblr
❖ DC : Lena & Joe & gabriel & josh & taliah
❖ TOPICS : 0 intrigue.
❖ POINTS : 38

(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Tumblr_mscveq03lD1qea2mvo3_250
MessageSujet: Re: (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him.   (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. EmptySam 2 Nov - 16:07

Avec toi jamais Rolling Eyes 
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MessageSujet: Re: (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him.   (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. EmptySam 2 Nov - 17:54

(se prépare à commettre un meurtre)
Ne t'approche pas de ma sœur (scie) 
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Royce Keller
Royce Keller
Membre this is africa

❖ AGE : 25 ans
❖ ORIGINES : hongroise & sud-africaine
❖ JOB : sans emploi
❖ STATUT : célibâtard

❖ MESSAGES : 322
❖ À J-BAY DEPUIS : 01/11/2013
❖ CRÉDITS : © yourdesigndiary
❖ DC : rafaele, joaquín
❖ TOPICS : get in line babe 8)
❖ POINTS : 20

(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Tumblr_mugnkpcdnL1qfgg1ao2_250
MessageSujet: Re: (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him.   (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. EmptySam 2 Nov - 17:55

Daww that's cute. (mdr) 
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Amy Richards
Amy Richards
Admin À votre service

❖ AGE : 22 Ans
❖ ORIGINES : sud africaine
❖ JOB : serveuse
❖ STATUT : plus ou moins en couple

❖ MESSAGES : 589
❖ À J-BAY DEPUIS : 27/10/2013
❖ CRÉDITS : yourdesigndiary & tumblr
❖ DC : Lena & Joe & gabriel & josh & taliah
❖ TOPICS : 0 intrigue.
❖ POINTS : 38

(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Tumblr_mscveq03lD1qea2mvo3_250
MessageSujet: Re: (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him.   (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. EmptySam 2 Nov - 18:16

My bro is the best deal with it. You're just a piece of shit. A great piece of shit. A smoken hot piece of shit but still xD
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Royce Keller
Royce Keller
Membre this is africa

❖ AGE : 25 ans
❖ ORIGINES : hongroise & sud-africaine
❖ JOB : sans emploi
❖ STATUT : célibâtard

❖ MESSAGES : 322
❖ À J-BAY DEPUIS : 01/11/2013
❖ CRÉDITS : © yourdesigndiary
❖ DC : rafaele, joaquín
❖ TOPICS : get in line babe 8)
❖ POINTS : 20

(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Tumblr_mugnkpcdnL1qfgg1ao2_250
MessageSujet: Re: (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him.   (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. EmptySam 2 Nov - 18:20

Family really sucks. Suspect 

*runs away with a bottle of Jack.*
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Amy Richards
Amy Richards
Admin À votre service

❖ AGE : 22 Ans
❖ ORIGINES : sud africaine
❖ JOB : serveuse
❖ STATUT : plus ou moins en couple

❖ MESSAGES : 589
❖ À J-BAY DEPUIS : 27/10/2013
❖ CRÉDITS : yourdesigndiary & tumblr
❖ DC : Lena & Joe & gabriel & josh & taliah
❖ TOPICS : 0 intrigue.
❖ POINTS : 38

(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Tumblr_mscveq03lD1qea2mvo3_250
MessageSujet: Re: (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him.   (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. EmptySam 2 Nov - 18:21

*catch him & kiss him* Stay here.
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Royce Keller
Royce Keller
Membre this is africa

❖ AGE : 25 ans
❖ ORIGINES : hongroise & sud-africaine
❖ JOB : sans emploi
❖ STATUT : célibâtard

❖ MESSAGES : 322
❖ À J-BAY DEPUIS : 01/11/2013
❖ CRÉDITS : © yourdesigndiary
❖ DC : rafaele, joaquín
❖ TOPICS : get in line babe 8)
❖ POINTS : 20

(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Tumblr_mugnkpcdnL1qfgg1ao2_250
MessageSujet: Re: (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him.   (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. EmptySam 2 Nov - 18:22

yeah, well don't you dare get pregnant.
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Amy Richards
Amy Richards
Admin À votre service

❖ AGE : 22 Ans
❖ ORIGINES : sud africaine
❖ JOB : serveuse
❖ STATUT : plus ou moins en couple

❖ MESSAGES : 589
❖ À J-BAY DEPUIS : 27/10/2013
❖ CRÉDITS : yourdesigndiary & tumblr
❖ DC : Lena & Joe & gabriel & josh & taliah
❖ TOPICS : 0 intrigue.
❖ POINTS : 38

(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Tumblr_mscveq03lD1qea2mvo3_250
MessageSujet: Re: (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him.   (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. EmptySam 2 Nov - 18:30

I try my best xD
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Rafaele di Marco
Rafaele di Marco
Membre this is africa

❖ AGE : 32 ans
❖ ORIGINES : sud-africaine d'origine italienne
❖ JOB : Co-directeur du San Marco Hotel ★ cavalier professionnel
❖ STATUT : Célibataire

❖ MESSAGES : 218
❖ À J-BAY DEPUIS : 22/10/2013
❖ CRÉDITS : © your designdiary
❖ DC : royce + rodney + joaquin
❖ POINTS : 63

MessageSujet: Re: (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him.   (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. EmptyLun 4 Nov - 3:28

btw, tu ne sors pas avec un crétin narcissique... ou alors t'as des choses à me dire ?! Suspect 
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Jace Caulfield
Jace Caulfield
Admin À votre service

❖ AGE : vingt-neuf ans
❖ ORIGINES : anglais
❖ JOB : en convalescence après un accident de voiture (ranger au parc national tsitsikamma à mi-temps ✽ apprend le surf à des débutants)
❖ STATUT : père célibataire

❖ MESSAGES : 2408
❖ À J-BAY DEPUIS : 20/10/2013
❖ CRÉDITS : avatar @yourdesigndiary ✽ tumblr
❖ DC : reagan singer, alessandro di marco, ruby barnes
❖ TOPICS : open + (3/4) gabriel, taliah, royce
❖ POINTS : 97

(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Tumblr_mqwtlmvbtc1rbmgwjo8_r1_250
MessageSujet: Re: (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him.   (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. EmptyMar 5 Nov - 14:17

(pousse Connor)
Putain t'es beau quand même (omg) (omg) 
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Royce Keller
Royce Keller
Membre this is africa

❖ AGE : 25 ans
❖ ORIGINES : hongroise & sud-africaine
❖ JOB : sans emploi
❖ STATUT : célibâtard

❖ MESSAGES : 322
❖ À J-BAY DEPUIS : 01/11/2013
❖ CRÉDITS : © yourdesigndiary
❖ DC : rafaele, joaquín
❖ TOPICS : get in line babe 8)
❖ POINTS : 20

(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Tumblr_mugnkpcdnL1qfgg1ao2_250
MessageSujet: Re: (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him.   (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. EmptyMar 5 Nov - 14:24

Hm, et toi t'as l'air un p'tit peu seul dans ta piscine Cool 
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Amy Richards
Amy Richards
Admin À votre service

❖ AGE : 22 Ans
❖ ORIGINES : sud africaine
❖ JOB : serveuse
❖ STATUT : plus ou moins en couple

❖ MESSAGES : 589
❖ À J-BAY DEPUIS : 27/10/2013
❖ CRÉDITS : yourdesigndiary & tumblr
❖ DC : Lena & Joe & gabriel & josh & taliah
❖ TOPICS : 0 intrigue.
❖ POINTS : 38

(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Tumblr_mscveq03lD1qea2mvo3_250
MessageSujet: Re: (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him.   (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. EmptyMar 5 Nov - 14:24

Jvous gêne peut être ?
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MessageSujet: Re: (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him.   (colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him. Empty

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(colton haynes) royce ✢ he wishes he would control his demons instead of having his demons control him.

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